Thursday, June 10, 2010

Peacocks forever!

When I travel, I try and go to cemeteries whenever possible. I used to go to Los Angeles a lot of work travel, and was fortunate enough to go to the Hollywood Forever cemetery. If I lived down south, I would love to be buried there.

Not just because of all of the celebrities buried there, but more for the wonderful cemetery wildlife. Including the peacock above! There are several that live there, and I would love to know that my final resting place would be visited by peacocks!! (There are also ducks there, about whom I will post at a later date.)

There is a beautiful "housing unit" they all live in. As you can see, it has a lovely mirror decor, and lots of perches and sunshine. Although they are loud, they are friendly, and do not mind having their photo taken!

I did not see any bunnies though. (Of course weekends there are a bit hectic, and I am sure they were napping in a nice, cool spot somewhere.)

Thanks for reading!

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